Power Point Links

Wk X

Tu 19 Century Italy: Risorgimento, Unification; 20th C. Fascism, Mussolini & WWII O'Neil

Th 19th - 20th C. Italy, Papacy, Unification, Mussolini, Fascism Sbragia


Tu Baroque Rome, Art of the Jesuit Order Sbragia

Th Counter Reformation, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment to Napoleon O'Neil


Tu Italian Wars, Julius II, Reformation, Charles V, Sack of Rome O'Neil

Th High Renaissance Art: Raphael, Michelangelo Sbragia

Week VI I

Tu Avignon Papacy, Humanism, Renaissance Papacy, Florence & Machiavelli O'Neil

Th Early Renaissance Art Sbragia

Week VI


TH Medieval Rome to 14th Century

Week V

Tu Late Roman Empire: Diocletian, Constantine, Germanic Invasions,
              Christianity and St. Augustine

Th Roman Religions and Philosophy, Constantine and Early Christian Art Sbragia

Week IV

Tu Julio Claudian Succession and early Empire O'Neil

Th Nero, Tacitus, Acqueducts, Colosseum, Roman Baths Sbragia

Week III

Tu Republic to Julius Caesar O'Nei

Th From Caesar to Augustus and Augustan Rome Sbragia


Week II

Tu Roman Republic O'Neil

Th Roman Temples, House, Statuary Sbragia

Week I

Tu  Founding Legend O'Neil

Th  Etruscans / Archaic Rome Sbragia